
Most advanced ball mill bearing repair problems

Under the calling on energy saving and green industry, Hongxing Mining machinery is ready to create a good machinery environment avoid pollution. On the base of original ball mill bearing achievement, Hongxing has developed a new type energy saving bearing ball mill, which has stepped into batch production phase. Energy saving bearing ball mill is a kind of milling machine, and it mainly solves the old type ball mill problems of heavy and large power consumption. It is driven by bearing, and can realize intelligent power adjustment by PCI controlling circuit. This new machine adopts special manufacturing rolling bearing as barrel supporting structure. Doubtlessly, it is based on a fully new design theory and is the most advanced ball mill.

However, the bearing is the main problem of ball mill. As for bearing repair, we should not only consider the economic benefits, but also think of technological factors. Maintenance worker is required to fully understand the bearing technology requirements, structure and manufacturing materials features. Or they hardly achieve good bearing maintenance effect. Following are some points about bearing wear phenomena.

Firstly, bearing is slightly worn out. Such as slightly water rust during storage period, and slightly abrasion in the convey process. That is pity to throw it away rather than repair them.

Secondly, bearing is tend to invalid or, it is invalid but little damage. But expensive bearing must be guaranteed its long service life with every effort. And finally, the useless of ball mill bearings is mainly rolling surface worn out, or abrasion. As the damaged parts mostly are supporting frame or roller, the gasket rings still has repair value.

When machine no load, Rotating disk cone crusher bearing leans on inner hole left ball surface, and eccentric bushings leans against left lining, while both the main bearing and eccentric sleeve lean on left side. When you load, spindle and eccentric bushing is on the left. The eccentric part State of motion, improving the eccentric shaft sleeve bearing, which is easy to form oil film, reduce wear, eccentric parts life extension about l~1.2 times.

The effect is very obvious when energy saving ball mill adopts rolling bearing. So, the requirement for rolling bearing manufacturing is rather strictly, as well as high technology degree. Therefore, as for most bearing types being easy to get, it is more economic to buy than repair. However, it is very important for ball mill bearing daily repair, the maintenance can prolong without doubt the bearing service life time.

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